Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9 |
Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you
which path to take. Proverbs 3:6 |
Care for CaretakersYou always gain by giving love. And at the same time, caretaking can feel deeply lonely. I know this journey personally and am honored to support and hold healing space for those who are buoying others.
Spiritual PartneringDon't give up on the person you're becoming. You do not have to walk your path alone. Together, we tap into your relationship with the divine to discern direction for your growth and healing, while creating loving practices.
Coaching for CoachesCoaches carry so much on their shoulders with the responsibilities of caring for their players, while also being accountable to their institution, players' parents, and their profession. I know this dance, and I'm here to help!